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Årsredovisning 2008 - Norrköpings kommun

2021-04-15 MID 128, SID 240 Program memory ‌ FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly FMI 11 – Unidentifiable error FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage. Fault code explanation: Faulty regulator / Faulty regulator circuit. Fault indication: DCU: Engine warning in DCU display. CIU: None. Flash code. Electrical fault: None. Value fault: None.

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Typically these codes are with another set of codes. In most cases the other codes should be troubleshot first (if they are active). If SID 61 F MI 3 or 4 is the only code active, check the park brake to see if it is physically applying and releasing as View and Download Detroit Diesel Series 60 DDEC VI troubleshooting manual online. Series 60 DDEC VI engine pdf manual download. MID SID FMI Problem Test TestResult Action 136 015 07 Internalrelayfault Iffaultrepeats,replacetheABS ECU. Table11,GroundFaultsTroubleshooting(SID015) ATCValveTroubleshooting(SID018) MID SID FMI Problem Test TestResult Action 136 018 03 Shorttopower. 1.DisconnecttheX3 (green)connectorfromthe ABSECU.Disconnectthe ATCvalveconnector. Measurethevoltage FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage.

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Sid 60 fmi 4

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Fault code explanation: Faulty regulator / Faulty regulator circuit. Fault indication: DCU: Engine warning in DCU display. CIU: None. Flash code.
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59. av SAV MILJÖN · Citerat av 1 — ISBN 951-712-569-0 (sid.) Finland, also the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and the Defence 3. AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES. 19. 4. GROSS BETA ACTIVITY OF vad jod-131 isotop och tre gånger kobolt-60 isotop i.